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M. Nowak and W.G. Claytor, “A Local Will with a “Codicillary” Clause,” Pylon 4 (2023).
W.G. Claytor and D. Deac, “Curatores in Two Papyri from Heidelberg,” Pylon 4 (2023).
W.G. Claytor, “Gewerbesteuerquittung für einen Zimmerman aus der Frankfurter Papyrussammlung,” Pylon 3 (2023).
C. Balamoshev and W.G. Claytor, “From Soknopaiou Nesos to Warsaw: a Greek Account on the Back of the Demotic Temple Inventory P.Berol. Inv. 6848,” JJP 52 (2022), 1-28.